Raid wanted to showcase their bug expertise while staying true to their brand mission: Raid kills bugs dead. So we did what any scientist would do: we proved it. 

EFFIE Gold // EPICA Silver // Gold ADDY // The New Advertising Book

Morbid Ant Art
The Raid experts know bugs so well, they could even get them to spell out their own demise. Their paint of choice? Raid Ant Gel. This experiment is 100% real. (And these ants are 100% dead). 

Video being persnickety? Watch here.

In order to lure them to their death, Raid products are specifically designed to be tasty to ants. Back in the lab, we found that 9 out of 10 ants prefer Raid Ant Gel over cake (based purely on the eyeball methodology). Watch here.

TV: Coliseum
Our scrappy films did so well online, the Raid brand team asked us to create one for TV. Turns out wrangling lawyers is more difficult than killing bugs, but we finally got it on air.  

While these experimental films got everyone's attention, we were building a massive new platform behind the scenes to establish Raid as the go-to experts in killing bugs.

If someone has a bug problem, this is the first thing they do:

Bugs invade our homes, so Raid invaded the Internet. We created an entirely new, functional site with the promise that our bug experts would answer any bug question ever asked. 

When you interview entomologists and write about bugs for six months, it eventually stops haunting your dreams and making your skin crawl. Thankfully, hoarders and neat freaks alike can now benefit from expert help on

The brand had never done anything on social, so we made our bug experts available for real time answers as well.